RES111: Programming RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RS Lab
Our lab environment hosted on Skillable provides a perfect learning environment for your students. No setup is required. Your trainer and students just launch the lab, and they’re ready to go.

Pre-installed Software
The lab environment comes with the following software pre-installed:
- Windows
- Java
- Eclipse and IntelliJ (though the course is designed to use Eclipse)
- Tomcat 9
Class Files
The course includes many codes samples and exercise and solution files, which are pre-installed, with shortcuts to the class files folder on the desktop.

Exercise Instructions
Exercise instructions are found in the courseware.
Lab Duration/ Access
Scheduled duration: 18 hours
After 18 hours hours have expired, users can extend the lab for another 50% of the lab’s scheduled duration. Once those extra hours also expire, users can launch the lab in a reset state.
Post class access: 180 days
When a user saves a lab, the lab state is saved for 7 days. After 7 days, if students still have post class access, labs will launch in a reset state.