Advanced Microsoft Word 2016 Courseware (WRD2016.3)
In this Advanced Microsoft Word class, you will learn about document collaboration, security, navigation, and more. You will practice adding a table of contents, footnotes, endnotes, and comments. You will gain experience tracking changes, comparing and combining documents, creating envelopes and labels, using Mail Merge, and protecting documents. This class is for Word on Windows.
Target Audience:Students who have intermediate Microsoft Word skills and are ready to learn advanced tools and features.
This is the updated version of 55175AC from the retired Microsoft Courseware Marketplace. Note that we have newer versions: one that covers Word 2019 and one that covers Word 2021 and 365.
Publisher: Webucator
- Create easy-to-navigate documents with tables of contents, indexes, and outlines.
- Use citation tools including footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies.
- Collaborate using comments and track changes.
- Save time by learning to compare and combine documents.
- Use correspondence tools for creating mail merges, envelopes and labels.
- Protect your documents with read-only settings, watermarks, and other security features.
- Automate repetitive tasks using macros.
- Working with Long Documents
- Adding a Table of Contents
- Updating the Table of Contents
- Deleting the Table of Contents
- Exercise: Insert and Update a Table of Contents
- Footnotes and Endnotes
- Exercise:Working with Footnotes
- Inserting Citations and a Bibliography
- Exercise: Insert Citations and a Bibliography
- Adding an Index
- Exercise: Inserting an Index
- Inserting a Table of Figures
- Inserting and Updating a Table of Authorities
- Creating an Outline
- Promoting Sections in an Outline
- Creating a Master Document
- Review and Collaborating on Documents
- Adding Comments
- Exercise: Adding Comments to a Document
- Tracking Changes
- Exercise: Tracking Changes
- Viewing Changes, Additions, and Comments
- Exercise: Viewing Markup
- Accepting and Rejecting Changes
- Version History
- Exercise: Accepting and Rejecting Changes
- Comparing and Combining Documents
- Comparing Documents
- Exercise: Comparing Documents
- Combining Documents
- Exercise: Combining Documents
- Managing Mailings
- Creating Envelopes and Labels
- Exercise: Printing an Envelope
- Using Mail Merge
- Exercise: Using Mail Merge
- Protecting Documents
- Making Word Documents Read Only
- Password Protect Word Documents
- Removing Metadata from Files
- Restrict Formatting and Editing
- Exercise: Protecting a Document
- Random Useful Items
- Using Bookmarks
- Exercise: Using Bookmarks
- Adding Watermarks
- Exercise: Adding Custom Watermarks
- Adding Titles to Sections
- Inserting Built-in Fields
- Using the Go To Feature
- Using Macros
- Copy Macros from Document to Document
- Macro Security
- Exercise: Recording a Macro
- Customizing the Ribbon
- Assigning Shortcut Keys
- Exercise: Customizing the Ribbon
- Preparing a Document for Internationalization and Accessibility
- Modify Tab Order
- Configure Language Options
- Using Microsoft Translator
- Add Alt-Text to Document Elements
- Create Documents for Use with Accessibility Tools
- Modify Documents for Use with Accessibility Tools
- Accessibility: Using Sounds
- Manage Multiple Options for +Body and +Heading Fonts
- Apply Global Content Standards
- Using the Cloud
- Exercise: Using the Cloud
- Sharing
Required Prerequisites
Length: 1
day | $20.00 per copy
What is Included?
- Student Manual
- Student Class Files