Introduction to XML Schema Courseware (XSD101)
The Introduction to XML Schema course is designed to provide a solid understanding of XML Schema and its fundamental concepts. Throughout the course, students will learn about XML Schema basics, Simple-Type Elements, Complex-Type Elements, Attributes, Reusing Schema Components, Schema Keys, Annotating XML Schemas, and Namespaces. By engaging with real-world examples and hands-on exercises, students will develop the skills needed to create, validate, and manipulate XML schemas effectively.
Publisher: Webucator
- Comprehensive Coverage: The course covers essential XML Schema topics, ensuring a strong foundation in the subject.
- Practical Examples: The course uses real-world examples to illustrate concepts and reinforce learning.
- Hands-on Learning: Students will actively engage with the material through hands-on exercises, developing practical skills that can be applied immediately.
- Engaging Content: The course material is designed to be engaging and enjoyable, helping students to stay focused and motivated throughout their learning journey.
- Experienced Authors: The courseware is developed by industry professionals with extensive experience in XML and related technologies, ensuring that the content is both accurate and relevant.
- XML Schema Basics
- The Purpose of XML Schema
- The Power of XML Schema
- A First Look
- Validating an XML Instance Document
- Simple-Type Elements
- Overview
- Built-in Simple Types
- Building a Simple Schema (Exercise)
- User-derived Simple Types
- Restricting Element Content (Exercise)
- Specifying Element Type Locally
- Nonatomic Types
- Adding Nonatomic Types (Exercise)
- Declaring Global Simple-Type Elements
- Converting Simple-Type Element Declarations from Local to Global (Exercise)
- Default Values
- Fixed Values
- Nil Values
- Complex-Type Elements
- Overview
- Content Models
- Complex Model Groups
- Occurrence Constraints
- Adding Complex-Type Elements (Exercise)
- Declaring Global Complex-Type Elements
- Converting Complex-Type Elements from Local to Global (Exercise)
- Mixed Content
- Defining Complex Types Globally
- Attributes
- Empty Elements
- Adding Attributes to Elements with Complex Content
- Adding Attributes to Elements with Simple Content
- Restricting Attribute Values
- Default and Fixed Values
- Requiring Attributes
- Adding Attributes to Elements (Exercise)
- Reusing Schema Components
- Overview
- Groups
- Extending Complex Types
- Schema Keys
- Annotating XML Schemas
- Overview
- Annotating a Schema
- Annotating an XML Schema (Exercise)
- Namespaces
- Overview
- Purpose of Namespaces
- Target Namespaces
- Default Namespaces
- Qualified Locals
- Using Multiple Namespaces
- Locally Declared Elements and Attributes
- The XMLSchema-instance Namespace
- Tying It All Together - XSD
- Tying It All Together (Exercise)
- Tying it all Together
Required Prerequisites
- Basic XML
Length: 2
days | $80.00 per copy
What is Included?
- Student Manual
- Student Class Files