Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Programming with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Courseware (HCJ501)

In this fast-paced course, you'll learn the fundamentals of client-side web development, starting with the basics of HTML for structuring content. We will cover various HTML elements, attributes, and techniques for building a well-structured web page. Next, you'll dive into CSS to learn about styling your web pages with various properties and selectors, making your content visually appealing. Finally, we will explore JavaScript, a powerful programming language that allows you to add interactivity and dynamic content to your websites. Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to work on practical exercises and hands-on examples, solidifying your knowledge and preparing you for real-world web development projects.

This is the updated version of 55320AC from the retired Microsoft Courseware Marketplace.

Publisher: Webucator


  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Our courseware covers a wide range of topics, from HTML and CSS fundamentals to JavaScript programming, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of web development.
  2. Practical Examples: The course is packed with hands-on examples and exercises, allowing you to apply your knowledge and build confidence in your web development skills.
  3. Hands-on Learning: We emphasize learning by doing, ensuring that you get plenty of opportunities to practice and refine your web development skills throughout the course.
  4. Engaging Content: Our course content is designed to be engaging and enjoyable, making it easier for you to stay focused and motivated as you learn.
  5. Experienced Authors: Our courseware is developed by experts in the field of web development, ensuring that you receive high-quality, up-to-date, and relevant training.

PowerPoint Presentation

This course includes a PowerPoint presentation that maps to the manual and to the labs:

Full Lab Environment Add-On

Enhance and simplify your classes by providing an unparalleled learning platform that requires no setup. Your trainers and students can dive straight into a fully-prepared lab environment with just a click. This seamless integration means no time wasted on installations or configurations, allowing trainers and students to focus solely on the task at hand. The lab comes pre-loaded with all the necessary tools and resources, ensuring a smooth, hassle-free learning experience.

Skillable Lab


  1. A Quick Overview of Web Development
    1. HTML is Part of a Team
    2. Client-side Programming
    3. Server-side Programming
  2. Introduction to HTML
    1. A Simple HTML Document (Exercise)
    2. HTML Elements, Attributes, and Comments
    3. The HTML Skeleton
    4. Viewing the Page Source
    5. Special Characters
    6. History of HTML
    7. The lang Attribute
  3. Paragraphs, Headings, and Text
    1. Paragraphs
    2. Heading Levels
    3. Breaks and Horizontal Rules
    4. The div Tag
    5. Creating an HTML Page (Exercise)
    6. Quoted Text
    7. Preformatted Text
    8. Inline Semantic Elements
    9. Adding Inline Elements (Exercise)
  4. HTML Links
    1. Text Links
    2. Absolute vs. Relative Paths
    3. Targeting New Tabs
    4. Email Links
    5. Adding Links (Exercise)
    6. Lorem Ipsum
    7. The title Attribute
    8. Targeting a Specific Location on the Page
  5. HTML Images
    1. Inserting Images
    2. Image Links
    3. Adding Images to the Page (Exercise)
    4. Providing Alternative Images
  6. HTML Lists
    1. Unordered Lists
    2. Ordered Lists
    3. Definition Lists
    4. Creating Lists (Exercise)
  7. Sectioning a Web Page
    1. Semantic Block-Level Elements
    2. Articles vs. Sections
    3. Sectioning the Home Page
    4. Sectioning Content and Styling
    5. Sectioning the Pages (Exercise)
  8. Crash Course in CSS
    1. Benefits of Cascading Style Sheets
    2. CSS Rules
    3. Selectors
    4. Combinators
    5. Precedence of Selectors
    6. How Browsers Style Pages
    7. CSS Resets
    8. CSS Normalizers
    9. External Stylesheets, Embedded Stylesheets, and Inline Styles
    10. Creating an External Stylesheet (Exercise)
    11. Creating an Embedded Stylesheet (Exercise)
    12. Adding Inline Styles (Exercise)
    13. div and span
    14. Styling div and span (Exercise)
    15. Media Types
    16. Units of Measurement
    17. Inheritance
  9. CSS Fonts
    1. font-family
    2. @font-face
    3. font-size
    4. font-style
    5. font-variant
    6. font-weight
    7. line-height
    8. font
    9. Styling Fonts (Exercise)
  10. Color and Opacity
    1. About Color and Opacity
    2. Color and Opacity Values
    3. color
    4. opacity
    5. Adding Color and Opacity to Text (Exercise)
  11. CSS Text
    1. letter-spacing
    2. text-align
    3. text-decoration
    4. text-indent
    5. text-shadow
    6. text-transform
    7. white-space
    8. word-break
    9. word-spacing
    10. Text Properties (Exercise)
  12. JavaScript Basics
    1. JavaScript vs. EcmaScript
    2. The HTML DOM
    3. JavaScript Syntax
    4. Accessing Elements
    5. Where Is JavaScript Code Written?
    6. JavaScript Objects, Methods, and Properties
    7. Alerts, Writing, and Changing Background Color (Exercise)
  13. Variables, Arrays, and Operators
    1. JavaScript Variables
    2. A Loosely Typed Language
    3. Google Chrome DevTools
    4. Storing User-Entered Data
    5. Using Variables (Exercise)
    6. Constants
    7. Arrays
    8. Working with Arrays (Exercise)
    9. Associative Arrays
    10. Playing with Array Methods
    11. JavaScript Operators
    12. The Modulus Operator
    13. Playing with Operators
    14. The Default Operator
    15. Working with Operators (Exercise)
  14. JavaScript Functions
    1. Global Objects and Functions
    2. Working with Global Functions (Exercise)
    3. User-defined Functions
    4. Writing a JavaScript Function (Exercise)
    5. Returning Values from Functions
  15. Built-In JavaScript Objects
    1. Strings
    2. Math
    3. Date
    4. Helper Functions
    5. Returning the Day of the Week as a String (Exercise)
  16. Conditionals and Loops
    1. Conditionals
    2. Short-circuiting
    3. Switch / Case
    4. Ternary Operator
    5. Truthy and Falsy
    6. Conditional Processing (Exercise)
    7. Loops
    8. while and do…while Loops
    9. for Loops
    10. break and continue
    11. Working with Loops (Exercise)
    12. Array: forEach()
  17. Event Handlers and Listeners
    1. On-event Handlers
    2. Using On-event Handlers (Exercise)
    3. The addEventListener() Method
    4. Anonymous Functions
    5. Capturing Key Events
    6. Adding Event Listeners (Exercise)
    7. Benefits of Event Listeners
    8. Timers
    9. Typing Test (Exercise)
  18. The HTML Document Object Model
    1. CSS Selectors
    2. The innerHTML Property
    3. Nodes, NodeLists, and HTMLCollections
    4. Accessing Element Nodes
    5. Accessing Elements (Exercise)
    6. Dot Notation and Square Bracket Notation
    7. Accessing Elements Hierarchically
    8. Working with Hierarchical Elements (Exercise)
    9. Accessing Attributes
    10. Creating New Nodes
    11. Focusing on a Field
    12. Shopping List Application
    13. Logging (Exercise)
    14. Adding EventListeners (Exercise)
    15. Adding Items to the List (Exercise)
    16. Dynamically Adding Remove Buttons to the List Items (Exercise)
    17. Removing List Items (Exercise)
    18. Preventing Duplicates and Zero-length Product Names (Exercise)
    19. Manipulating Tables
  19. HTML Forms
    1. How HTML Forms Work
    2. The form Element
    3. Form Elements
    4. Buttons
    5. Creating a Registration Form (Exercise)
    6. Checkboxes
    7. Radio Buttons
    8. Adding Checkboxes and Radio Buttons (Exercise)
    9. Fieldsets
    10. Select Menus
    11. Textareas
    12. Adding a Select Menu and a Textarea (Exercise)
    13. HTML Forms and CSS
  20. JavaScript Form Validation
    1. Server-side Form Validation
    2. HTML Form Validation
    3. Accessing Form Data
    4. Form Validation with JavaScript
    5. Checking the Validity of the Email and URL Fields (Exercise)
    6. Checking Validity on Input and Submit Events
    7. Adding Error Messages
    8. Validating Textareas
    9. Validating Checkboxes
    10. Validating Radio Buttons
    11. Validating Select Menus
    12. Validating the Ice Cream Order Form (Exercise)
    13. Giving the User a Chance
  21. Regular Expressions
    1. Getting Started
    2. Regular Expression Syntax
    3. Backreferences
    4. Form Validation with Regular Expressions
    5. Cleaning Up Form Entries
    6. Cleaning Up Form Entries (Exercise)
    7. A Slightly More Complex Example

Required Prerequisites



Length: 5 days | $175.00 per copy
Labs: Add-on available | $63.71 per lab
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What is Included?
  • Student Manual
  • Student Class Files
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Labs (optional add-on)